They Want Us To Die

I was going to keep this one under my thumb until tomorrow so I could process it. But screw it. Today I was informed that my refilled claim for SSI has been denied.

A quick catchup for those of you who aren't aware of my history with the Social Security disability process. In 2019 I became unable to work for mental and emotional reasons. I went through a three-and-a-half-year process, initial application, and two appeals, only to be told to suck eggs. We decided to take another shot at the process after my round of blindness and my deteriorating balance.

We'll talk about that another time.

Today I was once again told to suck the proverbial eggs. You all know exactly what I mean when I say eggs, right?

It doesn't matter to the government that my psychiatric history is a mess.

It doesn't matter to the government that I have severe neuropathy and retinopathy.

It doesn't matter to the government that I lost my sight for three months last year, and my vision will never NOT be cloudy.

It doesn't matter to the government that I will likely lose my license in August.

And it sure as fuck doesn't matter to the fucking government that I've paid into the system since I was 14 and have earned the right to some support.

All that matters is that the billionaires and megacorporations get their blood money and squeeze us until we dry up and die. And since the good old United States of America is controlled by thieves and robber barons.

I believe it's safe to say I'm officially on my own.


- Josh (05/25/2023)