The American Reich
/"If George Washington were alive today, he would be friends with Adolf Hitler."
- James Wheeler-Hill, national secretary of the German American Bund (1939)
"The smartest one gets to the top. That didn't work so well recently in our country. But they ask me, 'Is Putin smart?' Yes, Putin was smart. And I actually thought he was going to be negotiating. I said, 'That's a hell of a way to negotiate, put 200,000 soldiers on the border.'"
- Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States of America (2022)
Founded in 1936, the German American Bund was an American Nazi organization. The organization chose its name in order to emphasize its American status. Only Americans of German descent were allowed to join the Bund. Its main goal was to promote a positive view of Nazi Germany.
In comparison, the MAGA movement is a racist, homophobic, antisemitic, and xenophobic organization created by Donald Trump during the 2015 – 2016 Presidential election cycle. MAGA is less of an official organization as it is a movement centered on one person, Donald J Trump.
I am not ashamed to admit that I was scared by the similarities between Donald Trump's rally at Madison Square Garden and the 1939 German-American Bund rally, also at MSG. Both rallies espoused the beliefs of their godhead, Trump and Hitler.
The parallels between both rallies are terrifying.
Google them.
The man, Trump, and his cult are the greatest existential threat the United States in general and the world as a whole has faced since the Second World War. When another man, Hitler, and his cult threatened the entire world. At the end of that war, Germany only survived because the West needed it as a bulwark against the USSR.
Otherwise, it would've been nothing but ash.
The leaders of the MAGA movement have clearly stated and shown that their plan is to destroy America as we know it and turn it into a Christo-Fascist authoritarian dictatorship. They want all of the strings of power concentrated in the hands of very few individuals, and maybe just one.
They want America First.
If they win the election next week, they may very well have it.
We walk in dangerous times, America. Maybe we should pay attention to what they are doing just as much as we are paying attention to what they are saying… or maybe more.
The Germans were given a choice, and they turned toward fascism.
Next week we have a similar choice.
For the love of whatever or whoever you believe in, vote for sanity!
- Josh (10-28-2024)