22 Years Down The Road

So, it's 9/11 again.

I'm not be posting about where I was and what I was doing when it happened.

Was 9/11 the worst thing to happen to the United States as a whole?


Was it the worst thing to happen to the ordinary people?

Yes, or at least if you discount chattel African slavery and the Native American Genocide. Although when I was taught about the genocide in school, they called it the Indian Wars.

So, no, I won't be talking about 9/11 anymore.

There's no point.


Because America has been forever changed, and not for the better. We've become a cesspool of hate and bigotry, the likes of which we haven't seen in a long time.

I like to think of myself as an optimist, but since 9/11, my optimism has left me a drop at a time.

Here's the god's honest truth. After 22 years of the war on terror, the failed invasion and occupation of two sovereign nations, and the Presidency of a monster who is still doing his best to tear us apart our country, we can only arrive at one conclusion.

The terrorists won.